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Full Version: Ideas for the Future Nelos Zek Series of Books
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Hey, I've written two books already, and I need more ideas for history books written by Nelos Zek, a weird guy who's been going on all of these expiditions to dangerous areas to dig up some history. Just so no one writes them again, these are the books already written (I may update the list as more come.

1. A Theory on the History of Red Mountain

2. The Complete Clockwork City of Sotha Sil

3. Explorations of Castle Karstaag
You might mention a very helpful employment agency where Nelos goes to hire on his replacements. Wink and his exceptionally friendly relations with a physician (who gets a lot of new customers through Nelos).

Famous Undersea Wrecks

There is a huge Statue to the Orcs favorite God in the north of Dagonfell - and the Fortress occupied by Orcs on the north Coast of Vvardenfell

Nelos Zek investigates the mystery of the nude Nords and the missing witches?

A Nelos Zek investigation: Who is the luckiest little so-and-so in the whole of Nirn?

Nelos Zek and the Vampire clans?

Aaaaand finally: Nelos Zek and the Necromancer, in which Nelos Zek gets to meet again and reminisce about 'old times' with all the companions he lost over the years in the course of his expeditions!
Keep in mind this guy is supposed to be writing history and exploration books, so meeting with a necromancer might be a little out there. But, I do like the idea of a dunmer stronghold. I am thinking either the one with the teleporting strange door or the one with the Orcs, but I think the teleportation one might be funnier. But I'm going to let the fan(s) decide.

What were the names of the strongholds anyways? Man, I havn't played Morrowind in awhile.

Come on Vvar team, speed it up!
..... :evil:

Confusedhrug: yeah so if you are referring to... Indoranyon...
There is a necromancer who owns the Mask of Clavicus Vile in one of the Inhabited Dwemer Towers by the fishing town on the north Coast of Dagon Fell, and in the Grasslands there was someone claiming to be the Wormking in a tomb, etc... don't know how they would fit your idea of appropriate ... for example, what if he was told that a necromancer had important information on the location of a major lost site? Or he wanted to call up the shade a past Hero to find out what reall happened - maybe Maiq the Liar spins him a tale and he falls for it!

:alert: Looong remeniscence:
Has to be Indoranyon on the East Coast hidden from the sea by a hill - inside is, by the exit, is the Altmer who is the Master (100%) Enchanting Tutor. I was so lucky the first time I visited there. I tried to chat with him because I was trying to improve my conversational skills and he looked different, and there was his list of training options!

Big Grin Heh, but also I had my recall set up as usual before I entered = permanently essential to deal with those unknown software bugs that you can run into in unknown territory, as well as useful to transport the loot.

Only, because I was suspicious that time (alerted by the wording of the note on the door) and wanted to return to the entry if there was trouble inside I reset the recall to the ring of candles - carelessly forgetting that monsters and such outside can regenerate when you exit a dungeon... which made things a bit tricky.

Thing was I was trying to charm the Trainer while hiding from a real mean and vicious Golden Saint and his pals. With very few decent magics to boost my char in those early days (before I discovered the full extent of the wonders of Alchemical Int boost and also before I discovered how to create the multispell that gave me permanent and unlimited skill enhancements) that made things a little fraught. Especially as I was roleplaying according to my rules, which meant that if I was to do things properly I believed I could not go around killing the monsters that the inhabitants of a dungeon had summoned and make friends with them.
Thanks or the info raggidman! :goodjob: Now I was able to make the fourth volume. Hmm, any ideas for number 5?
Reading your comment in Sotha-Sil:
Quote:Will do. I always liked those weird adventurers who risk their lives without even knowing it, and what makes it funnier are the people who do know and do die who come along.
and following my own further thoughts re Indoranyon I wondered:

Maybe you could 'find a few notes, diaries, possessions and stuff carried by some of those likely to be deceased companions... with notes and observations of their adventures and companions...

...including Giving their feelings about Nelos? Love him, hate him, admire him, fear him, dismiss him...

He is clearly giving the the truth of his own view of his adventures, and would naturally respect the privacy of his former companions' writings, handing them on to whoever seemed appropriate... at which points (scattered the length and breadth of Tamriel) :lmao: the player might find them.

Would you like to do that, and if you like you could even set up a few claims for others to write the points of view of Nelos's 'vitims' ... erm, 'scuse, brave and unfortunate companions... Wink
Hmm, who else has any ideas of dungeons you like? raggidman is the only one with ideas. Just pick your favorite Morrowind dungeon and tell me about it.