Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: HELP! Export doesn't work...
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Hrrm... I'm a quite new modder to TES IV: Oblivion and need some help with exporting a mesh. I've read the tutorial that's shown in the Max8 plugin readme.There it's written that I should export the mesh as a Gamebryo (Nif) file did so. But, when I did... This window showed up:


What's the problem?!
Having fought with a lot of this recently, I'd like to help, but there just is not enough info here. Some possibly helpful stuff:

- The version of the plugin,
- The game, you're exporting for (if you couldn't choose that, you need a newer plugin) Smile
- The exact error; I think you were trying to include a screenshot, but all we got was the file name.

Thanks! :yes:
Hehe...Can try a picture that works:

-The version of the plugin is:

-The game I was giong to export a mesh to is Oblivion(maybe you mean something else).

-I think the link is working now...