Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Anyone notice this?
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I was just in the Construction set, and for awhile I've noticed these "Stark Reality" body part things under the spawn point at the start of the game. I never paid them much mind, but today while looking at them I discovered this picture. I know the person who is on the website, CanadianIce, she used to make some mods for Morrowind. But I was wondering what her page name is doing in the default oblivion stuff. Anyone know? I tried to go into the page, but it said you need an account.
you do nead an acount to dl her mods.
Oh, Beth is using CanadianIce's mods in their games. Very interesting... Tongue

Well, they probably had CanadianIce's permission to use it, but this is indeed interesting.
Hmm, but, I also downloaded one mod from korana's site, Eshme's boutique, just thought it might actually be useful for something but I was totally wrong, just a bunch of girly stuff, but anyways, it changed the female body a bit. Could that have anything to do with that?