Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Akaviri Budo
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Exactly what it sounds like - Budo in Akavir

It could be said that it was laziness that kept this thread from being created for so long - I prefer to say, it was incubating. I have thought about the subject, and have come to these conclusions:

We can do this a variety of ways, some of which would be very, very hard, some that would be less hard, and some that would merely be aesthetic. Here are our choices:

1: We could revamp the Oblivion combat system: i.e., we add new animations, new methods for gaining new effects from special attacks, ect. This would be extremely diffucult, but would add the most realism and most quality to adding martial arts to the game.

2: Tie the martial arts to the weapon. By maniupulating various variables, such as speed, reach, and power, we could have an 'Iaido' sword and a 'Kenjutsu' sword. This would add some good things, but would be slightly unrealistic.

3: Constant Magical effects add attributes the farther along you progress in a martial art - likely in a guild progression format.

4: Aesthetic - No actual changes, but adding to the lore about them. It's all roleplay, baby.

All except one we can mix and match, but these are our most basic choices. When we choose a method, or methods, we move on to the actual arts themselves. We can do this several ways.

Desite what you may or may not ask the different Soke of the arts we will include, not every art is perfect. We're going to have to make strengths, and unfortunately, weaknesses to every art. I expect much debate - we could do this several ways.

Those who know the most about an art can decide what it's strenths and weaknesses are. This could work - but it is likely that the most knowledgeable are the ones who practice the art. We would have to trust everybody to be responsible with thier decisions.

Communal vote, with discussion. We're all big kids, we can be fair. This might be the most diplomatic option.
Perhaps I didn't really understand all you said there, but I imagined it something like stances from KOTOR 2.
I think that option 3 could work, we could have special powers.

We need to have the lore first.
We do, but I don't want this to be an exibition of our martial arts knoledge. I want it to apply.

I figure, first we chose how the arts will be implemented, and then we chose which arts, and then the details can be crafted.

Option one would be awesome, but extremely difficult. I think, however, a combination of options two and three would be best.