Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I was thinking of making some Houses for Imperials (a retex of Skingrad lower or middle) with terracotta bricks(Sand in the cracks) and prehaps either thatch roofs or sun-bleached shingles.

Are you guys intrested?
Absolutely! Mind showing us a concept piece (example)?
Sure, what directory do you want me to put the textures and Meshes in?
Here is my test, it shows only the bricks as I'm trying to find a colour that complements the bricks. I might end up using anvil roofing for it, but we will see.

Edit: Updated attachment - Krisi-_

The Old Ye Bard has attached this image (reduced version):
[Image: tn_attachment-4902.jpg]
That looks fantastic! Its not to bright, and it looks worn, I can't even tell its skingrad.

Can you also make the glass icons above doors red?
If you want I could tint all of the windows red, it's a very easy thing to do Wink

I don't think that I will make an lower for it as it will be to easily distinguished as Skingrad, but together with a Eslweyr Lower it won't be very easy to tell it as Skingrad and even so Skingrad is close to Elsweyr Wink
Rimmen is totaly skingrad architectre, as it is imperial built in recent times, so a LC would be helpful.
I could retex Farmhouse, or prehaps OB Lowerclass with the terracotta brick texture, which would give Rimmen some variation.
That would be awsome, but I would like the Skingrad ones as well if possible.

We need the variation, so that will help a lot.
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