Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: female vois for in castles
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i maked a female vois that you can use for castle's
its a .wav file so if you want it to work you have to change it to .wav.. srr for the probleme

Ed.Rw: Changed attachment to 7-zip archive.
Sorry? The file seems to be corrupt?
? it works fine for me ,you have to change it to .wav instead of .mp3
I you used your own voice, it would sound much more realistic, and fifteen times better (and that's if you're a bad actor). Using the computer's voice is really bad.
o ok..:p
Welcome to Silgrad Tower, huruku!

You can't attach .wav's because they are bloated files and should be zipped with for instance 7-zip.

I don't think that in particular would pan out. But I hope you like the team and what we do here, and that you would like to pick up a claim or two, which is among the things we need help with the most right now. More information about Soluthis claims can be found here, while the claims threads are posted here. It might look confusing at first but I bet you'll get the hang of it in no-time.