Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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The Kamal will not be based on any Asian or other culture, they are very alien.

And about comparing with real life, Bethesda's cultures for Tamriel can be compared so much more with real cultures then our Akaviri cultures could be (with the exception of Knifeblossom).
However, we must compare the Akaviri cultures to something, otherwise our own team members would not even know what they would be like.


Now i know i have to start a tread about the races and the cultures, people are getting the wrong impression all time :eek:
hmm... tot I was clear about using the word "influence". I am all for creating unique cultures, but I am not opposed to using RL examples as sources of inspirations. More often than not, I'm using some common roots and rebuilding an alternate history of how the various people evolved and interacted.

And I'm all against the kind of stereotyping that I tot we agreed to stamp out long ago.. (must have been brought back by new visitors once in a while). The kind of (this race == this culture) mentality must go. It limits the creative mind. I always believed that we should use ideas and not be used by ideas. Another thing is the uni-race community idea. With the exception of a few, e.g. Kamal (too alien), and perhaps Knifeblossom (surviving humans no longer trust members of other races, at least not easily), most of the nations will be cosmopolitan. The idea of a nation made up purely by serpent-people, or tiger-people or monkey is a blatant over-simplification. Yeah, the "official lore" states that, but it also mentioned that it itself is not trustworthy (in fact, almost everything about Akavir is open for creativity). That;s partially what I hope to work on, filling in the myraid of details so that the whole scene becomes more diversified, believable and hopefully interesting. This also makes room for other races that people want like canine/rat etc. Why do people only think that such races can only exists as a nation or a "pure" village? Why can;t they be just citizens in some nation? There may be no nations ruled by them, but that doesn't mean that they don't exists or whatsoever, right? Just an example...

Kodama, mind giving me a note when you've posted all those stuff? I will see how it can go together with the stuff I have, or maybe see if it can be adapted so that things fit together better? I haven't really work much on Tang Mo yet except the part about how they split from the beast-folk alliance a long time ago.
I'm Working on it Sphr, i did the Ra'Mon (sea monkeys) yesterday.

I will make short posts of what the cultures are like in the lore threads of those races, after i have updated every race, i will make a thread that has all the cultural info for every sub-race combined in a simple list.
I will then lock that tread so people can't spam it with comments and/or suggestions that belong in the lore threads for those races.
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