Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Some of you (IATE in particular) may have been wondering if there are any shack updates. For a while there were not, 'cause I was playing Oblivion pretty heavily. Now that Arod the Redguard is level 23, I decided to revisit the old shackstead and try to do what a couple of people had suggested and try to do a shack "tileset." That's in quotes 'cause I'm not sure if this is exactly what is meant by that term.

Anyway, this is what I want there to be when all is said and done:
- A left thatch roof section, a right thatch roof section, and a repeatable mid thatch roof section.
- A left shack body section, a right shack body section, and a repeatable mid shack body section. This does not include most of the foundation and is designed to sit atop either the foundation or a platform.
- Same setup for the foundation, but I broke up the stone and wood portions to change Havok behavior.
- Left right and mid interior sections.
- Left right and mid interior floors of two types: dirt for the foundation and plank for the platform.
- "Snap in place" exterior and interior teleport doors.
- Left right and mid platforms.

The idea is to allow shacks of any desired length but only along the one dimension; no T intersections or two-story shacks here. Because of the one-dimensional tiling and the depth of the shack, the base tiling box is 256 X 512 X 256. For my first cut, I took the basic shack model, made a few small adjustments to the geometry, and chopped it up. I've enclosed a 7Z of the NIFs required to reassemble the shack after cutting it up, a screenshot of the reassembled shack, and an ESP if anyone would like to visit it at (3, 0) ReichParkeepREAL. BTW, left and right are defined looking at the front door of the shack.

Assembly instructions:

- Center DunShackRightFoundationStone.nif and DunShackRightFoundationWood.nif at the same point. Same with the "left foundation" pieces, but place the center 256 units to the "left" of the right ones.
- The left body, left roof and door share the same center, 256 units "above" the left foundation. Same goes for the right body and right roof.

Next on the plate:

- Mid exterior sections,
- All interior sections,
- All platform sections.

As always, let me know what you think,

EDIT: I thought that someone else mentioned it too, but the main driver was IAMTHEEMPEROR.
Tileset, what tileset?.....*hides in a dark corner and plots more evil suggestions*
More screenshots! Smile
To be honest... that model is at Morrowind quality, not Oblivion quality.
Having been informed of mitigating circumstances and being a wee bit ashamed at losing it, I've pulled the extremely intemperate post that formerly occupied this spot.

My only crit is that the underside of the roof seems a little blurry. Not as if anybody is going to walk up to your shack and say "OH MY GOODNESS! THAT OBSCURE TEXTURE IS SOOOO UGLY! THIS SHACK STINKS!"

Fix it if you find yourself with a lot of free time and nothing better to do. Big Grin
Having calmed down a bit Big Grin, I've run into a roadblock. My thinking had been that I could make the mid pieces by cutting the shack in half and essentially then extruding the cross section. However when I try that by collecting those vertices and creating a shape, my extrusion attempts seem to go along the wrong axis. Also I don't care for the fact that the "Create Shape" seems to create a closed spline between each pair of vertices encountered as it cycles.

Has anyone done what I'm trying to do or at least can tell me how to "weld" two splines into one?

I do it all the time. Select one of the splines, and convert it to an Editable Spline. Under the Geometry rollout, select "Attach" and then select the other spline you want. Click Attach again to deselect that tool. Now, I'd assume you want to make the vertices that are touching each other in to one, correct? Select them, click "Fuse" under the Geometry rollout (This puts them exactly in the same spot, just to be safe) and then select "Weld". Works like a charm. Smile
That would be a very handy mesh to use in Black Marsh. May we use it?
A good time to bring up my "policy" about my Morrowind-quality Big Grin models.

- Obviously designed for use by ST,
- For any Beyond Cyrodiil mods, please ask (so I'll know where they're used), but I will grant permission,
- For other mods, it'll be case-by-case based on how much I like the modder or how much they've contributed to ST. Smile
- Bear in mind that the textures are almost all Stilgar's (except thatchy ones). His policy is pretty relaxed too, but asking would be the way to go. Also you might want some different textures to create a different look for your particular province.

For the record, permission to use shack models and textures created by me is hereby granted to Black Marsh. Big Grin

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