Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Windhelm for TES III anyone interested
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I have been pondering the addition of some landmass west of Silgrad namely Skyrim, not the whole thing but just west as far as Windhelm

I have been piecing together some of this land just testing the limits of my PC as it has had a habit of locking up when I work on exteriors

Besides all that....

My question is Would anyone be interested in planning out Windhelm for TES III?

If anyone is interested in doing this please let me know and we can go over the details

Well it would be nice if I could plan it as I could get it to coincide very closely with the TES: IV one Smile
Howdy Bard

Most definitely you may

How far off are you from working that project ?

After the release of HG and the Height map is sorted I will begin serious work on TES: IV Windhelm, once that is done I can use it as a base for TES: III Windhelm Smile
Most Excellant

I await with great anticipation
