Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: dwemer armour
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hey guys, I can usually be found on the skyrim forums, but I occasionally go on the other forums. I found this:

and I wasn't sure if you could use it? It brings back the dwemer armour from morrowind.


(P.s sorry If I posted this in the wrong place, say if you have a thread of exterior mod use)
I think most of us know as goghiel told us ourselves, but still thanks for saying it.

And about the exterior mod thread, we don't have one, but I think we should Smile )
good point... thing is our 3d model department is the same as silgrad's in many ways, although we have a broader range of exteriors needed than they do... so we SHOULD make a thread with exteriors that Silgrad DOESN'T need, so we know what we need to be made....

anyone wanna take the initiative?