Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [TES3] CS Question on Disappearing Models
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Anyone ever have this happen and do you know what the possible cause is

You create a new Item in the CS a "Static" and select the NIF you want, but when you place it in the Render and try to move it, it disappears, the object window shows the item is in, the cell window on the left side shows the number of references and indicates that their is a referance, but on the right side of the cell window, their is nothing their


Is the nif file ok?
I wouldn't know how to tell,

I can open it in NifSkope and get no errors
Try to add another nif to the same static (object).
Create a new static and add the original nif.

Replace the CS.ini (Oblivion) with the attached one (keep a backup of the old one).

Sorry Sandor but In workin the MW CS

But to your previous question on the NIF yes I have
and the new NIF when added to the render disappears when trying ot move it

Really sorry bout that confusion

No problem. Smile
I have a look at the CS for Morrowind.
is the colision box set corectly? what about the rotation box things (no idea what they are called)?
I added a prefix to the thread title for clarity. Smile
Quote:Originally posted by Razorwing
I added a prefix to the thread title for clarity. Smile

Thanks for the Clarification RW

And to the lady I say : I dunno know :dunce:

I have no Idea what the collision boc thingy is...although that was my first thought, was that the collision was somehow wrong and the object was falling into the grey/gray matter

Perhaps LN meant the pivot, i.e. the point around which the model rotates. If the pivot is way off then the model could fly off to God knows where when one rotates it. I've seen a few of those cases myself.
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