Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: And unfortunate end.
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Hrafnkel, through circumstances very much the fault of my own, has decided to leave the eslweyr core, I am unsure about his decision about the mod as a whole.

In order to maintain a balanced, dedicated core I have decided to extend an invitation to Ja-kha'jay.
Sad to see Hraf leave the core. And holy heck! I accept the invite! Will be more productive once exams are done (I have two more between now and wednesday). Have been cooking up a surprise for you all... :brew:
Congrats! :cheers:
WHOA! This came as a surprise :pop:.
big siprise , indeed ! I also noticed a core threat called I think I'm done here (noticed it thatnks to the last post on this forum thing ) . Hfrankel was a very impartant member of this team . Can you please give some more details on why he dicidet to leave the core ? Also , congarts Ja-Kha'jay .
I'm sorry to hear of Hrafnkel's departure and congraduations Ja-Kha'jay.

Well perhaps one day I'll be aware of the comings and goings, been hit hard by midterms and prehist/anthro/ICS projects aswell.
Quote:Originally posted by kingevil
big siprise , indeed ! I also noticed a core threat called I think I'm done here (noticed it thatnks to the last post on this forum thing ) . Hfrankel was a very impartant member of this team . Can you please give some more details on why he dicidet to leave the core ? Also , congarts Ja-Kha'jay .

Just a big misunderstanding. DA said some things that came off differently than he intended for them to, and there were a couple of other issues that had been continuous. I simply lacked the patience to keep dealing with it. I won't go into more detail than that.
Sorry to hear he's leaving.

Congratulations, Ja-Kha'Jay!
Quote:Originally posted by DarkAsmodeous
In order to maintain a balanced, dedicated core I have decided to extend an invitation to Ja-kha'jay.

Been waiting for a PM regarding that. Should I go ahead and set it up?
Damn,that sucks...


Congrats Ja-Kha-Jay :goodjob:
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