Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Telvanni Quest-line ver.2
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I am wondering if you have decided on a name yet, and I also hope you develop your "Tower" into a "city" like area. I hope the tower is multi-leveled, and has a throne room at the very top ? Cool
I like the whole Daedric Shrine idea, and I HOPE this is a large tower. (I just want it to be elaborate, unlike the default homes in Oblivion or the Strongholds in Morrowind) As progress seems to be going well, and I hope to see an alpha sometime soon.

You earned: A Fishytstick
:lol: I earn a fishystick from you...
and what does approval from a Nazgul mean Hector? Treacherously powerful gifts from your master Sauron? Big Grin
Yes, I mean look at these other wonderful gifts he is offering you, such as the awsomely powerful Catbread, Ginger Bread Fish, proof the President of the US is evil and my favorite Sauron's Armored Penguin.

As you can see my master Sauron the Great is powerful and wise.
It'd be good to make the quest lines sensitive to what guilds you're in.

So, if you're a Mage Guild high-up (or even the Archmage) as well as a Telvanni, it'd be good to change the quests that portray the two crossing swords; this was a TES3 'pet peeve' of mine.
well... that's the thing, if you are a Guild-mage, joining the Telvanni SHOULD be impossible...
since they hate each other... or at least are n opposite sides of the spectrum....
one is the invader and the other is the native...

its as if you are the President of Israel and leader of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation O rganization) at the same time... or the leader of the IRA and the U.K. at the same time... or chariman of China's communist party and president of Taiwan at the same time... or like the King of the Zulus and the British general att the same time :lol: the list goes on...

thats the main reason why I don't think too much faction joining is a good thing... since if you can join everyone it really doesn't give you the right feel...
but in truth, Morrowind is a very fractious land and if you join one group you cannot join the other as they are your enemies... thats how Morrowind is, and I don't want the player to feel like they can just transcend milennia of culture and turmoil cause they think joining both Mages and Telvanni is cool Big Grin

but you have a good point, i just don't think thats enough to allow joining of Mages Guild while Telvanni or Telvanni while Mages Guild... in the end they are enemies... and thats how it is
(nods) Tis less than ideal, but it's better than the way MW did business - in my main play-through I started off by going through the Mage Guild quests, then Theives Guild partway and things broke down first when I (Mr Archmage) had to hire mages to protect the Wolverine Hall theives guild, the mage guild contact came over all snotty - blargh.

Like I said, pet peeve.

I picked Telvanni / Mage Guild specifically because you've got 'em slated as at-each-other's-throats from the word go, and agreed that 'either-or' works, but it's something to watch out for in pretty much any combination, especially if the Cyrodiil guilds have any influence / contact with the Vv guilds. It'd be kinda annoying if you played through the OB main quest, made your way to Vvardenfell, and discovered you were restricted to membership of a house you don't like because you joined the Cyrodiil mage guild so as to get access to the ability to make spells, again just as an example.

It's quite difficult to tell which bits of the TES4 Vvardenfell plot, background ETC are and aren't current. It might be an idea to have someone co-ordinate the basics into a thread that's for that purpose only, like maybe pin it & only let the specific person post to it?
sounds like a good suggestion

I'll see to it that a 'updated quick info' stickied thread is made Smile
This seems to be a pretty old thread, but I'd like to say a few words.

KuKulzA, it looks like that story will do my house proud. It's manipulative and self-involved with a veneer of good will, as every Telvanni master plan should be. The Dwemer-tech thing could be really fun!

On the quest front... I had one idea (having just played through the MW Telvanni questline). Up in these posts cruxvader mentioned that the questline is very war-oriented - while I realise that the war is foremost in their mind, the most traditional Great House should look to their candidates for promotion and test their mettle in magical arts. I think in Oblivion far more than Morrowind it'd be excellent to have a test of magical skill; not just learning three spells, but a test dungeon. After removing all the player's equipment, you face enemies you need to defeat purely by magic (immune to normal weapons), long swims underwater, objects far out of reach that need to be collected, light torches with fire... I'm sure more things like that could be come up with.

I think the stronghold at Shashpilimat is a great idea! It should be gigantic, bigger than Tel Naga by a long way. Orcs striding about the place, semi-bonkers worshipping Daedra (which lord would it be?) and protecting the tower with the might of the Orsimer. Speaking of which, is the name (Tel Orsimer) supposed to sweeten the deal for the Orcs? It was the one bit of the entire post that made me think "oh...". Could a more Telvanni name be found? Having said that, it could be one awesome tower... can I make it please? With a cherry on top? (Not on top of the tower, my request).

That's my ?0.01, according to the current exchange rate.

The Orcs live there but serve the Telvanni Magister that will live there they are his now as long as they can worship and be true orcs. They worship Malacath who they prey will keep their stronghold safe and give them the strength to conquer those who threaten their life style.
Ah, of course Malacath, who else? Smile

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