Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Starcon5's Sextant
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In case anyone should want it before it gets released in the next ST update I thought I'd repost the release thread. Smile

Download: Mirror #1 | Mirror #2 | Mirror #3 (pending)

This is a modder's resource pack that makes Starcon5's sextant available to the Oblivion scene. Starcon5's sextant was originally released as a modder's resource for Morrowind, together with a shovel. I (Razorwing) basically added havok to it so that it behaves like a misc item in the game. This was my first try at making a havok'd object so if I made a mistake or other I'm sorry.


Extract the folders to your Oblivion\Data folder.
Hook up the model and icon in the Construction Set.

The Screenshots folder only contains an image of the model and does not affect the game.


You're free to use it as you wish as long as it's not for commercial purposes.


Please credit Starcon5 for the mesh and textures. I don't need credit for it.

Thankyou goes out to Geniel, ttl269 and XMarksTheSpot for helping me understand how to havok misc items.

Also I would like to thank the NifTools group, without whom none of this would be possible.

- Razorwing