Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Modeling with CAD software like SolidWorks
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I was wondering if it is possible to do models in CAD software like Solid Works, Solid Edge and then convert them to something that can be put in the game.

The reason I ask is that I?ve tried to get started with Blender but have?nt had enough time/motivation to really get it going, but I?m very proficient with CAD software since that?s what I work with...

Even if it?s only possible to make a basic model which then has to be refined in a 3d program, I could still contribute more to this community if it?s not too much hustle to convert the files (assuming it?s possible at all)...

Thanks =)
I was wondering something similar would be possible, except that I work in CATIA.
What formats can these CAD programs export to?
Here's an exporter to go from AutoCAD to an .obj format
Cool! I?ll see if theres an exporter for solidworks!! Smile