Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: A most unfortunate turn of events
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Well, as a unfortunate side effect of living under another's roof, you must sometimes be subject to the whims and wishes of those who pay for said roof. That being said, like a great scientist once said, while is is generally impossible for one of such diplomacy and reserve as I to make angry those who pay for the roof, with time, what is impossible becomes possible, and with enough time, what is possible becomes probable and certain. For example, a clothes bin is full, when it is full - there is no debate as to the meaning of this - this is, why, it is unwise to say otherwise. Enough said.

Such circumstances arising, it will become rather rare to see me upon the intarwebs, at least for awhile. Fret not! I shall endevour to make the most of this most unfortunate of situations - and, certainly, it takes little time at all to post a story, yes?
Sure, no problem.

We will see you when we see you Wink
I can't wait for the next installment. I hope things improve.