Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: The Capital of House Redoran
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I see we've modified the Poll, very good

I will then have to say Kragenmoor

Again keep in mind I am only basing this on my meager knowledge

Venim moved the Council to Ald Ruhn, so it is technically the head of House Redoran. But he moved it from somewhere and regardless of the current and future situation in the MW province I believe that somewhere was Kragenmoor. It just makes sense to me. Its near the boarder, Imperials invade House Hlaalu rides the Empires gravy train and starts movin in. SO they pack it up and go.
Of course this seems out of charactor for Redoran Warriors, but they did move.

that's sensible, though I felt that a Redoran migration wave from the norther would've been more likely, since they woulda settled on Khuul and Ald Velothi then made Gnisis and then traveled down the Foyada, made Maar Gan, and sought the place of Ald Skar, a place of significance for their ancestors...
from Blacklight...

as for Kragenmoore, they probably trekked to the sea, scraped together enough money to hire enough boats or get enough boats to get to the Bitter Coast and then trekked north and west in the West Gash to found their cities (each councilor leading his clans)
I vote for Blacklight as the capital, and for Kragenmoor belonging to House Redoran. The latter simply because we "took" Silgrad Tower from them.
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