Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Speedtree battery, graphical overhaul RP, new flora?
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The front page has been updated saying these things:

-A complete graphic overhaul of Reich Parkeep, which now looks nothing like before and like nothing you've ever seen
- A battery of Speedtree trees to foliate our lands
- Havok embedded in a majority of our items
- Completely customized, havok'd book models using my models and Phoenixamon's textures
- Tons of parallax maps
- New flora, like the oddly-looking but tasty Marasmius Epidryas mushroom
- Miscellanous enhancements and optimizations

and I'm very interested in how these parallax maps look, together with the graphical overhaul of RP and I'm especially interested in what the speedtree battrery can create. So are there any screenies of these things? I just read about Nehrim, a huge german TC, which has some B-E-A-utiful forests created all created by a tool, is it the same tool? [link]

I'm glad I piqued your interest Smile

Sorry if I confused you about my use of the word "battery". I meant it in the sense of a collection. The Nehrim trees look really good, and I would imagine mine are on par with them - simply because SpeedtreeCAD is a pretty rigid program - but I wouldn't be able to show that they are on par until we've generated forests with them and taken shots of them in-game. Right now they only exist as spt models in a plugin.

Part of the reason there's so little visual material of my new additions is because I really loath playtesting, and at the same time I don't really want to show too many Construction Set images because it makes it look worse than in-game screenshots simply due to the Oblivion engine's shaders and stuff. The other part is I want to be able to show stuff that feels really new in our next release. But I can show the parallax effect, that's not a problem Smile


The image shows it in higher definition:
[Image: th_parallax.jpg]
Video... Loud... Waking neighbors up...

Lookin' good so far, you might want to consider doing some parallax stuff on some of the brick texture surfaces as well, like what some of the Chorrol house interiors had. I looked at one of those walls, rotating the camera, for about five minutes wondering whether it was flat or not. Big Grin Wireframe said it was flat, but I was still intrigued by the appearance. Glad to know what it was. :yes: It's the same interior the FG quest "Old Man Dareth..." uses. I'm glad my guess about it being flat was right. Big Grin