Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I made these models today.

Most of the textures are Infectious Moons. I pilfered them from a soulgem replacer he made for MW. The email he left is bouncing. I wouldn't mind Direct permission to use his textures. Or else I'll want someone else to texture them.

He did state permission is granted to use his stuff a long as credit is given.

Razorwing, Can you have a look at the mesh for the greater soulgem in this mod, Ignore the shockingly wasteful use of polygons.....the azura star was over 13500 triangles! :eek:

There is some weird transparency thing going that I'm not fully understanding. namely a nitextureeffect. I presume I can just set my mesh up similarly?
WOW Those look like some of the mrrowind ones!!! They look awsome by the way, Im surprised none commented on them,

one thing, The azuras star, looks a but dull, You might want to add some art to the texture, but I know it didnt lok like that in morrowind, but we can change that. i guess.
Looks Good

I got em, gonna use em Big Grin

Nice work Ghogiel :goodjob:

His "Greater Soulgem" model uses a NiTextureEffect, as you say. I believe NiTextureEffect appears to be able to work with, among other things, Environment maps. If you compare the info for "texture type" on the webpage I linked (0: PROJECTED_LIGHT | 1: PROJECTED_SHADOW| 2: ENVIRONMENT_MAP (Usual value) | 3: FOG_MAP) with his nif, you see that he's indeed using an Environment map (coupled with a SPHERE_MAP on the Coordinate Generation Type).

Environment maps are sometimes calles Reflection maps. I think - but I'm not sure - that that can be done in Oblivion by setting the Apply Mode to APPLY_HIGHLIGHT on the NiTexturingProperty block. The same effect used on glass material in Oblivion. Raise the Gloss on the NiMaterialProperty block to counteract the 'glaring' effect (Gloss should be low if the material has a high opacity, high if it's solid, imho). In Oblivion it only seems to reflects lights, though. I don't know how they did to give fullblown reflection maps to water, but the fact that it works at least suggests the Oblivion engine is capable of handling reflection maps.

However his greater soulgem also has a special NiAlphaProperty, with the value 15085. I don't think I've ever seen that before. The ambient color of the material is also a bright red color, #98241E. Perhaps the ambient color and the NiAlphaProperty, together with the Environment map, creates the interesting effect you noticed? I haven't observed it myself, it rendered solid in NifSkope.

That's the extent of my knowledge I'm afraid.
....I followed most of that. Nice one :goodjob:

These may take some doing then. Nothings ever simple is it?
Lovely gems out there Ghogiel. They still need some work, for instance some of the textures are out of place.
read sig Big Grin