Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: PhotoShop Plugins/Filters
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Anyone know any good free photoshop filters? I just want any good ones, but I am looking also for a good rust filter. Thanks. Smile

Have a look here:

some nice stuff

Thanks, I found that site before, but they won't work with my photoshop. Atleast all of the ones I tried don't (about 10).

Sorry to hear that, theirs lots of links to other Photoshop sites on that Webpage maybe some of those might have better stuff

Quote:Originally posted by WhiteWizard
Thanks, I found that site before, but they won't work with my photoshop. Atleast all of the ones I tried don't (about 10).
What's your version of photoshop ?
Its Photoshop CS2 9.0
I found a site with some nice plugins and they work.
Thats weird. The photoshop I'm using is only 7.0 but I don't have a prob with the plugins.