Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Daedric Shrine devoted to Mehrunes Dagon
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I will create an interior for the Daedric Shrine devoted to Mehrunes Dagon in cell -29, 4 just south of the snowy areas of Jarnhald.

Granted as well. Big Grin


Ben Vagara: Cool, I'm glad you want to do it! Could you give an estimate on when you think you'll have the shrine and your other claim completed? Because time is running out quickly and the deadline for the final release looms closer and closer. Do you suppose you could you have the shrine and your other claim ready sometime during September? If not before. ( :yes: )
Both claims will be done by August 31. :goodjob:

Excellent Smile
The interior for Ashrudagonibal Shrine is completed. Please check it out.
