Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Chitin Spear
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Well ive been workin on this for like 3 hours lol so not long and i was wondering what people thought of what i can add and things and i know the spear blade looks farked up but i can fix that lol when i figure out how a chitin spear head looks like Tongue btw ill post more pics people want me to

[Image: chitspear.jpg]
Nice. How's the player going to wield it in TES4 though, since neither spears nor melee staffs are supported, by default anyway.

Has someone released a spear animation mod?

either we get a spear animations or we simply put that spear into a weapon category that allows it to be jabbed Confusedhrug:
but they would be a must in-gam even if clumsy to use right?

EDIT: I'm moving this to the Visual Developement section sorry for the inconvenience, its my fault - I didn't tell you thats where to pot up your work
actually u just use staff animations lol its been done b4 Tongue plus if not u can get an animator to make new ones since animations are now possible but not fully developed id try but i cant animate Tongue
Quote:Originally posted by prestage
actually u just use staff animations lol its been done b4 Tongue plus if not u can get an animator to make new ones since animations are now possible but not fully developed id try but I cant animate Tongue
:yes: okie dokie :goodjob:
There have been stave/staff/spear melee mods out there. You can search for them on TESSource or another modding site, but they usually all use the 2H Sword slot, which means no stabbing until master blade level. New animations are possible, though you will need to edit the weapon and maybe even the NPC skeletons, beast and human, and then there is the whole issue that it needs to be a pre-existing weapon type, for I have no idea how to make a new one.
Nice work so far prestage :goodjob:
so does anyone have anything i can lol or modify c mon people im runnin a blank here theonly thing i need to work on is the blade lol well i think thats all Tongue so c mon people any ideas?
Quote:Originally posted by prestage
so does anyone have anything I can lol or modify c mon people I'm runnin a blank here theonly thing I need to work on is the blade lol well I think thats all Tongue so c mon people any ideas?
well argonians were good at spears in TES3 and they are goo dat blades now in TES4... maybe just make the spear a blade skill Confusedhrug: I guess thats another reason to make it a "blade"
If you aren't happy with staff animations for a spear, there's a way to import Blender animations into the game. There's a tutorial here, if anyone's interested.
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