Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: technology can really suck
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my computer almost died on me. i lost my whole elsweyr DB storyline too. ouch.

so that explains the lack of pointless posts in the bar Cool
if it were me I'd remember the storyline in my head...

but then again, being practically the sole leader of two mods, in which i have had to be the main visionary anc conceptualizer... I get used to keeping track of HUGE amounts of questline and lore in my head... *sigh* I need a secretary Big Grin

Love them. Big Grin
well i do remember the story to a point. im just not excited to retype it.

yeah i got a thumbdrive (about a week after this happened)

yea will i guess ill just chip away at it.
You keep 2 mod lores in your head with you at all times? that nothing. all the ideas for the HALO based machinema that has a storyline in oblivion + Silgrad tower/Beyond cirodiil i plan on making some day are stored in my head along with 1/2 my scripts and my idea for a sci fi i plan to write several years out and my mod ideas plus school..... and i still have time/ mental proccesing space for our mods here.

btw that machinema has about 4 main characters to remember/create and im waiting on multites to be finished.

I know how FR must feel though, my bro was playing Halo CE off of my usb drive and we were on vacation so I had not backed it (before i left either) for a while. he had it on this warm fuzzy stool. when he stopped playing i went to sleep, woke up, and found that it didnt work. he basically cooked it and screwed up the formatting. I had so much lost data on that.....