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Full Version: Vvar/ST: Temple propaganda (The Ascension)
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EDIT: Dont need ideas no mo, got it done. What I do need is someone to make this into ans ESP since my computer died two nights ago, everything you need is here, help is much appreciated! :yes:

Anyway, i think I got all spelling/punctuation discrepincies and all dat jazz.

First, here are the words of the Temple Santh-Az, Temple priests and Acolytes who spread the word(or propaganda Wink) of the temple in hopes to reaffirm the faith.
(in game you would hear this as "overheard diolouge" when passing them on street corners/outside temple gates. If you initiate a conversation with them you receive a book, The Ascension, a la Black Horse Courier.)

Quote:Steadfast children of the Holy Temple!
The Imperials seek to sway your faith, to proclaim we are shattered, to deny our gods and exclaim their demise...
The Followers of the House of Troubles revel in your chaos, thrive off your waning fealty, take joyous celebration at your pains...
Stand as mighty walls before the surge!
We are not destroyed, we are filled with faith more, now, than ever!
A new journey is before us, a time of change!
Listen to these, the words of our Gods, The Tribunal (Blessed Be Their Holy Names), and have faith renewed!

The Ascension

Below are written the words of Sevosi Uvulus, witness to the god-kings:

So it came to pass that in the late years of our now fading 3rd Era the blessed Saint Nerevar was manifest, in accordance to prophecy, and began his most holy pilgrimage. As a means of our Gods the Moon-and-Star, the Nerevarine touched the cities of Vvardenfell with holy presence and was accepted and exalted by our people as the Incarnate, harbinger of change.
After much strife the Nerevarine struck down Dagoth Ur and his unholy house, quelling the filth of ash and blight, bringing fertility to our troubled lands. At his feet the House of Troubles trembled at its foundations. By his hand, guided by the Tribunal (Blessed Be Their Holy Names), the lands of Morrowind entered a new era.
So it was that the Nerevarine came before the Tribunal (blessed be their holy names) and they discussed much.
After much talk of past, present, future, the Tribunal (Blessed Be Their Holy Names) came to the Nerevarine with an appeal: to strike them down and bring forth their Ascension. The Nerevarine was troubled by this plea. He asked the Tribunal (Blessed Be Their Holy Names), who would lead the Dunmer people if not the Tribunal? (Blessed Be Their Holy Names) The Tribunal (Blessed Be Their Holy Names) responded that now was a time for the Dunmer people to forge a new destiny but that they would return to lead the Dunmer once again. The Nerevarine, having understood their reasoning, drew his blade, Trueflame, and slew the Tribunal (Blessed Be Their Holy Names), thus fulfilling his task and changing forever the face of our world.
His fated work complete, the Nerevarine disappeared joining in his rightful place amongst our Ancestor Saints, to keep watch and protect us through our prayers.

Fear not faithful followers of the Temple, your Gods have not abandoned you, you do not walk alone!
Keep strong your faith, we will comfort you, we will heal you, we will strike down those who seek to destroy you!

[Image: SaintNerevar_Rough.jpg]

Hail the blessed Incarnate, sword of the Dunmer!
Hail the blessed Incarnate, shield against all foes!
Hail the blessed Incarnate, device of the Ascension!

Hail the Ascended (Blessed Be Their Holy Names), wisdom incarnate, might embodied!
Hail the Ascended (Blessed Be Their Holy Names), let us never forget all they have done!
Hail the Ascended (Blessed Be Their Holy Names), let us anticipate their swift return!

Theres more art and stuff at the end of the page. its all the same image just diff versions--->
Heres the original post.->

Quote:I'm trying to write a book on the state of the temple as a bit of temple propaganda

how am i supossed to react to the desertion and death of ALL gods?

man im like the catholic church trying to explaine jesus' second coming being stopped by some outlander dude.

I feel like i need help covering up such a shattering event. ideas?
The gods never deserted or died, but they devoted everything to the Temple and ascended as gods in the heavens? I dunno, best I got.
Hey, ascension worked for the christians. Put the gods in some sort of heaven, and make up some myth about how the Nerevarine was placed on Tamriel to purify morrowind in preparation for the ascension.
Then make up some crap about how the priests recieve divine messages from the gods, telling them all of this stuff. Oh yes, the saints are also in this heaven. St. Jiub says hi.

If all this sounds like christanity it's only cause i'm borrowing from what's worked.

Although an interesting idea would be to draw from hinduism and say that Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil were just avatars of the gods, and that they will descend again upon tamriel when they see fit to do some major smiting. Reincarnation there.

If at all possible, try to make the entire thing look completely intentional. The more the nerevarine looks like a tool of the gods the better.

Oh, and blame the daedric invasions on the loss of faith in the gods. And proof that the daedra are evil, and point to the death of mehrunes dagon as proof that they are false gods. And if possible, think of some event that you could possibly pass off as a miracle sent by the gods
hahaha you guys sure know how to mislead the masses

thanks a bunch i can totally work with that angle.
Basically, take the usual christian story, instead of Jesus we get the Nerevarine who is more violence-prone, and say with the death of the devil Dagoth Ur the gods were finally free to ascend. The Nerevarine, the tool of the gods, was able to act while the Mortal Gods themselves were defending the people of Morrowind. A way to recruit more followers is to say how the gods defended all of them and they owe their lives to the Mortal Gods and the Temple of St. Nerevar.

The Hindu incarnate thing was actually used with Nerevar/The Nerevarine, who in a time of need was brought back to Morrowind to unleash some wrath and protect Morrowind's people. He left again, and it can be said that in a time of panic the Nerevarine will arive once more to save Morrowind.

Also, include the ascension to Sainthood in the propaganda, some priesthood, even crusades against the Imperials if necessary. It is a proven fact most Dunmer detest the Imperials imposing their faith in the Divine on them, and the Oblivion crisis and death of the Emperor can be seen as a weakness in the Empire and will give an opportunity to take back some control.

And I miss Jiub..... ;(
Ahh taking everything from christianity is waaaay too easy. Try misleading someone through scientology for a change! Do it, or i'll get tom cruise down here

I don't think the temple will be so bold yet as to actively crusade against the imperials, but they'll just point and laugh. "Well mournhold wasn't invaded by daedra, those imperials just suck, obviously"

Of course i'm not sure what the damage to morrowind was, but draw on the nationalistic feelings of cultural superiority. Oh yeah, and if possible, try to take imperial or pagan symbols and turn them into signs of evil. Associate the dragon symbol with Akavir, and laugh at the weak province of cyrodiil, while turning their royal symbol into a sign of evil vampire-snake-things.

Smearing campaigns have worked well throughout history. (ever notice that the devil's pitchfork looks EXACTLY like poseidon's trident? subliminal messages there. And the pointed hat of the old pagan wiseman became the witch's hat. It's all about destroying another culture ruthlessly)

And where you don't think you can eliminate something, absorb it. Ever wonder why christmas and easter are the same days as some pagan holidays? Because christians incorperated solstice and equinox celebrations into their religion to make the conversion easier.
I'm only in the rough draft stages of it right now.
and I'm not too used to writing things of this nature.
There's one thing im not happy with in this draft. the fact that the Nerevarine could be a man or woman. I'm working on making every reference to the Nerevarine being androgynous but for now I just used the male possesives. whatevs. :yes:

First I figgured that there could be Active memebers of the temple going about shoutin stuff.
In trying times such as this I figgured that the temple would send out priests and acolytes to spread their propaganda and try to reafirm the faith.

This first part is a sort of speach that those people might be reciting as they had out copies of this book "The Ascension".
Itd be cool to do this like with the newspapers in the imperial city

Quote:Steadfast children of the Holy Temple!
The Imperials seek to sway your faith, to proclaim we are shattered, to deny our gods and exclaim their demise...
The Followers of the House of Troubles revel in your chaos, thrive off your waning fealty, take joyous celebration at your pains...

Stand as mighty walls before the surge!
We are not destroyed, we are filled with faith more, now, than ever!
A new journey is before us, A time of change!
Listen to these, the words of our Gods, The Tribunal (Blessed be their holy names), and have faith renewed!

and then theres this part thing:

Quote:The Ascension

So it came to pass that in the late years of our now fading 3rd Era the blessed Saint Nerevar was manifest, in accordance to prophecy, and began his most holy pilgrimage. As a means of our Gods, the Nerevarine touched the cities of Vvardenfell with holy pressance and was accepted and exhalted by our people as the Incarnate, harbinger of change.

After much strife the Nerevarine struck down Dagoth Ur and his unholy house, quelling the filth of ash and blight, bringing fertillity to our troubled lands. At his feet the House of Troubles trembled at its foundations. By his hand, guided by the Tribunal (blessed be their holy names) and Azura of the Anticipations, the lands of Morrowind entered a new era.

So it was that the Nerevarine came before the Tribunal (blessed be their holy names) and they discussed much.
After much talk of past, presant, future, the Tribunal (blessed be their holy names) came to the Nerevarine with an appeal; to strike them down and bring forth their Ascention. The Nerevarine was troubled by this plea. He asked the Tribunal (blessed be their holy names), who would lead the Dunmer people if not the Tribunal(blessed be their holy names)? The Tribunal (blessed be their holy names) responded that now was a time for the Dunmer people to forge a new destiny but that they would return to lead the Dunmer once again. The Nerevarine, having understood their reasoning, drew Hopesfire, sword of Almalexia, and slew the Tribunal (blessed be their holy names), thus fufilling his task and changing forever the face of our world.

His fated work complete, the Nerevarine dissapered joining in his rightfull place amongst our Ancestor Saints, to keep watch and protect us through our prayers.

Fear not faithfull followers of the Temple, your Gods have not abandoned you, you do not walk alone.
Keep strong your faith, we will comfort you, we will heal you, we will strike down those who seek to destroy you.

Hail the blessed Incarnate, sword of the Dunmer.
Hail the blessed Incarnate, shield against all foes.
Hail the blessed Incarnate, device of the Ascension

Hail the Ascended (blessed be their names), wisdom incarnate, might embodied
Hail the Ascended (blessed be their names), let us never forget all they have done.
Hail the Ascended (blessed be their names), let us all anticipate their swift return.

I think the thing I want most is critisism since im not entirely happy with this but I dont really know what to change.
thanks! Big Grin
gonna do some art for this too, like the original saint images but depicting the nerevarine with trueflame
You may want to change Hopesfire to Trueflame, as that was Nerevar's sword. Other than that, perfect. :goodjob:
yeah i saw that. whoopsie

thanks Big Grin

EDIT: got some images here:
as you can thell, these are really rough. I banged em out last night at about 3. ill be scanning them soon and cleaning them up with illustrator. then de-cleaning them up so they look aged.
(apparently i cant get thumbnails to work)

oh yeah, and i made the nerevarine a dunmer. because i dont think the dunmers pride would lend them to making an outlander into a holy being.
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