Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Idea: Open Vest
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I think a very Elsweyr/Arabian look are open vests, very detailed looking and embroidered, with exotic designs on them. Possibly trimmed with gold thread or somthing. Puffy ArabianPants would be good too, And maybe in the gauntlet/boot slots we could have jeweled cuffs? In terms of hats and such possibley a fez like hat?
i dont think making elsweyr too arabian is a gud idea,it may make it look like a pantomime . The open vest cud work if we dont heavily embroid it and maybe put into somesort of long cape like coat, for upper classes
I think so far we want more of an Egyptian infulence for Elsweyr.
Okay cool but in terms of the jewlery especially i think they could really work out for us.
I definitely want a fez.
If you have a closer look at lore, it is offensive for Khajiit to show torso fur, so an open vest is probably not going to be popular. perhaps we could flag an open vest for surrounding NPCs to comment on
Looks like it never got finished. Archive it.