Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Corthian... your clothes. Give them to me.
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Mmkay, now that the Terminator has your attention... Tongue

Heya Corth, I followed you here after your visit to the Blades Smithy mod.

Aside from the Blades light armor, I was wondering if you had a female Kamishimo mesh as well, to replace the Kagome priestess robe currently in use for the "elite" clothes in the mod.

Thanks again for your contribution to the Blades Smith mod. Smile
Sure, I will get them to you when I finish the light armor I said I would make, it's about 99% done. I should be able to get them to you by the end of the day.
:O Whoa, talk about quick.

Anyhoo, ship the pack to Madcat221 at gmail dot com.
Hey Corth, there seems to be a little problem with the helmet; it can't be Conformulated. Any EGM file that the Conformulator creates for it doesn't work. I PM'd Scanti, the creator of the Conformulator program and he narrowed it down to the fact that the helmet is two nodes; the skull piece and the cowl. Is it possible to reduce it to one? That's the only way that an EGM file can be created for a helmet. It's a limitation of the game engine, not of the Conformulator.