Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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C'mon KuKulza, we know you aren't kidding.

You change your avatar to much KuKulza

KuKulza - The Polymorpher, hmmm...... sounds like my next book series!
Quote:Originally posted by Hector the Hooded
C'mon KuKulza, we know you aren't kidding.
1. what am I not kiddin about?
2. I am known for my changing avatar, its my claim-to-fame on these forums Confusedhrug:
Kidding about the "American Dream".
Quote:Originally posted by Hector the Hooded
Kidding about the "American Dream".
oh yea, good point
just kidding about just kidding
it's every Dunmer's dream, poor or rich, male or female, House-folk or Ashlander... to kill an Imperial, take his horse, eat half of it with his/her clan, and get rich quick by selling the rest

kill n'wah scum -------------> :check:
get honor with the clan ----> :check:
eat delicious horse meat --> :check:
get rich quick by selling ---> :check:

Hey remember im leader of imperial presence on Vvardenfell
*Hiss* N'wah, fetcher, kill! Die! Stoopid!

Just Kidding.

Or am I?

Anyway, I hope to see some good legionares from ya!

Oh, do you have the Morrowind legion armor yet, or are we not using that?
I never really understood why the Legions armor changed? it looks great in MW because it was Roman.But the armor in OB (Awesome None the less) is trying to copy the greatness of Rome and they failed at that if they want to be like Rome do it right.

Joining the ordinators? Sounds awesome i love all that inquistion,Heretic stuff.

Hell, being an ordiantor would be awsome. Just patrolling Vivec or a Temple all day calling random peopel scum, N'wah's all that good stuff. I happen to like the Cyrodil Lehion style, but I belive that ever province has a "diffrent" style legion armor.
That would explain alot, although i cant understand that myself really?

Yeah being a ordinator would be awesome, Sending people to the floating rock prision for heresy, when they really just looked at you the wrong way...."Sigh".....

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