Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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This is the first part of the fantstic ST theme (original written by Anaglyph, I just wanted some feedback before to do the full work.

It is very hard to get a correct sound with cheap stuff, so don't be too harsh...
Well I like it :goodjob:

Maybe try to make it less.. I don't know how to say that in audio terms, but if it was a picture, I'd tell you to give it less contrast. Like, sometimes when the sound changes a lot, goes from silent to loud a lot, it gets annoying. So I'd say try making it a bit calmer.
I understand what you mean. Compression effect is the best way to solve that: it decreases the peaks and increases low sounds. I still have to figure how to use it. But don't forget it's a first shot...
That's exactly what I meant, decrease the peaks with software :goodjob:
Yaay, it sounds excellent RideWithTheWind! :goodjob:
I spent another night to restart it from scratch, here is the result:

It's not completely finished yet, there are still some mistakes to correct, and I'm not very happy with the second part, but the general idea is there.

I hope that someone with good (=neutral) monitors could have a look at it to suggest some equalization settings, because my headphone has a great bass kick (which is not a quality for mixing).

I know that movie/video games music must be discrete, so it's a problem because ST theme melody is very pronounced and intrusive (which is really good for a main theme but not for an exploring music, for example). So I don't know if someone will find it usefull anyway.
Maybe for the end of a special quest, or for a special public area (I remember that someone released a mod that added a playing guitar animation and a guitar, so maybe we could have public musicians somewhere?)

edit: fixed link:
Its good I like it :goodjob:
Only problem I see is it's got noise, a scratching sound over and over. Or is it me?
I tried to get rid of the constant "humm" sound which is a normal issue with low cost microphones, specially while recording weak signal like a nylon string guitar in a noisy environnement. But I don't hear it so much anymore...

But maybe are you reffering to the noises produced by the fingers slipping on the strings, in that case I don't really know what to do. There are also some corrections I made after recording (like removing a wrong note) that could provoke side effects.

Problem is: after having been listened so many times, mistakes and noises are printed in my mind so that they appear to be normal, while they'll sound awfull to someone else... Maybe if I wait a few days my ears will revert back to normal. Anyway I know there is a lot to improve to get a correct result, so you can expect to hear something better in a few days...
Yep thats gotta be it. Theres a little sound like a tick tick tick tick repeating itself. Its not sliping on the strings. Its software generated sound.
It sounds fantastic. Good work.
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