Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Modeling Help Please!
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I am Switching to Broadband Very Soon so I can Download larger files quicker.And I need help with improving My Modeling Skills, So can some of you help me with Links to Vid tuts or any helpful info. The easier to follow the better. Some of you know my previous work so you may know what Kind of help I need. Also Help with working with Models for Oblivion(setup,collision,getting in-game,texturing) is needed!

I have so many ideas I want to bring into being and my skills are just not up to par with what work is being submitted now! I want to get Back into the modeling sprit that I have lost due to feelings of inadequacy. Thanks for any help!

Cool HOSS Cool
I'm glad to hear you want to model again. Smile

There is a sub-board called "3DS Max Tips, Tricks and how to..." on the Faq board you might want to check out. The thread Getting started in Max has links to good tutorials. Especially check out the video tutorials from simplymax if you haven't already, I learned a lot from them back when I viewed them.

There are also a number of good tutorials on the CS Wiki's "Modelling and Texturing Tutorials" (I wrote about half a dozen of them).

Also, scour the info on - it'll explain everything you want to know about the NIF format, though sometimes in 'machine code' jargon.
Quote:Originally posted by Razorwing
I'm glad to hear you want to model again. Smile

There is a sub-board called "3DS Max Tips, Tricks and how to..." on the Faq board you might want to check out. The thread Getting started in Max has links to good tutorials. Especially check out the video tutorials from simplymax if you haven't already, I learned a lot from them back when I viewed them.

There are also a number of good tutorials on the CS Wiki's "Modelling and Texturing Tutorials" (I wrote about half a dozen of them).

Also, scour the info on - it'll explain everything you want to know about the NIF format, though sometimes in 'machine code' jargon.

Thanks I will Check those out. I hope I can Get back in the spirit! ?(