Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Problems with fire
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In the CS, i placed a few Small torch fires on some sconces, to add motivated lighting to a tomb. In the CS, they looked like fine little torch fires, going straight up like a good fire, and waving and dancing when havok was pressed.

In the game however, these same lights started misbehaving terribly. Instead of being torch fires, they were instead more akin to a small open fire, which is about 3-5x as large. In addition, the fire went sideways instead of up!

This obviously shouldn't happen, and i hope someone has an idea of why it's occurring, and how to fix it, cause it's just plain weird.

Here are two screenshots, one in the CS, and one ingame. For the one ingame, the fire is pointing straight at you if you couldn't tell. It should be obvious which shot is which. Please help!