Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Modding interiors.
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After the interior Hlaalu tileset has been finished I would like to mod one or two interiors.

I have only one problem: Where to claim (thread)? / What has been claimed?

Perhaps post a claims overview per city.
well you may claim an entire town or part of it, but you'll have to talk to the 'hetman' who made it Wink

so far we don't have any Hlaalu towns done or in progress unless Odai Plateau, Balmora, Hlaalo Keep, etc. are made...
however it wouldn't hurt to begin the interiors for the city.... or plantation houses
if you'd like a interiors map of a city let me know... and I will make it
however it will not have an exterior until the city itself is made, you know that