Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Animation and CM problems with water wheel
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Hello everybody! I'm kinda new to TES modding, so i faced several problems working on my first mod (Watermill&Windmill)...
I've made mesh for water wheel with simple collision mesh(and marked it as collision mesh in nif props):
Then i tried to export it using such settings (in various combinations...):
Model and textures in-game are ok, but collision mesh is totally screwed, basically it's just one line (textures are off on screenshot):

Second problem: how can i create rotation animation using Nif Scope? ?(

How about not? Use Blender, Modo or 3D max to make animations. Nifscope is only for .nif files, so models, that's not animations.
Yeah, animations must be programed into the model itself, and then acessed via NIFScope, but I'm pretty sure you don't need to do that last part yourself, it may just do it on export.
For the collision mesh, I'd recommend using a different version of the exporter. See if you can download an older one and try it.
The collision mesh itself can be static, unless you intend for people to fall off while standing on it.