Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Opening a TES3 BSA
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Ok, so i got myself a copy of morrowind (this year), and i want to unpack the BSA so that i can see all the nice models, and use them for a reference, ect. Unfortunately, i don't know how to unpack a morrowind BSA. i have programs that'll do it for Oblivion (OBMM) but i don't think they work for morrowind (i tried)

Could someone please direct me to a program that will unpack morrowind BSAs?

This is definitely a noob question, but though we continue to mod morrowind, the era of modding FOR morrowind is over, and it's harder to find stuff like this

Try "BSA Browser v0.5" from our database Smile
wow, i quite often forget we have our very own database. Thanks, that saves the trouble of having to dig through old filesharing sites and morrowind forums.