Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Elsweyr MQ Mane Quest Line
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Hell, if we're doing an EC member we can dust off that old assination idea from earlier. I like the second. and you want a reason he can be trusted? A misc quest. I mean seriously, we can make something up at some point I'm sure.
Which of the assinations ideas.. ?
As far as I know there has been (too) many of those. Yes a mic quest, but it would require the Player showing loyality the Empire. Or some wisdom..
Maybe player should just be a errand boy in the beginning till the EC member have reason to trust him? Knowing little and deciding just as little to the EC member feels he needs to share his burden.. (do we have any idea how many EC members Elsweyr would have? He might need support to interfere directly into Elsweyr's politics)
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