Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I would love to expand on the people of the marsh, and their day to day living. If Morrowind was the Orient of Tamriel, then Certainly the black marshes represent more then just africa, as in argonians to africans, so also the cultures of the ancient central and south americas.

Though without ziggarauts to exemplify their gods, the black marsh has it's culture rooted in the hist. So then, as the Hist represents the people of the root, so then their faith is within these deep roots...

The hist knows the heart of the argonian, and is the bed of all argonia, their resting place.
Wars are fought to protect the hist, the argonian giving every fiber of their being to protect and secure their sacred land.

Argonians are a very mystical people and are connected with the Hist in a deep and spiritual way. The souls are united with the hist. The hist is protected though argonian arbitrators, who dwell as shamans, as such, are contrubuting to the hist's protection. The majority of the hist's defenses are due to the inneffectivity of magic to the region, as the hist absorbs all magic, and is the very source of magicka.

As i mentioned, the very heart of the Argonian is connected with the hist. They are one. As a forces of the mind can collaberate with one another, so also within the hist and the argonian do the forces of the mind collaberate. The shamans possess an empathic link with the hist, and the deep abritators, or known in their tounge as the Aragos-Nastru live and dwell within the hist's forces, some say their power with the hist exceeding so greatly that all argonia is at the influence of the great force... i.e. the power of telepathy reaches the ends of the swamps.

more later
this symbiotic relationship is strongest between shamans and Argonians living in the interior (who have almost no knowledge of the Empire)... I don't see the Hist as being sucking up all the magic of the land though... and i feel telepathy is taking it too far.
Maybe a sort of instinctive sense of the health of the land, something shared by Argonians and Hist perhaps....

you really ought to read up on all the stuff you haven't read, but most of your ideas are pretty good :goodjob: