Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Hey all,
Work on the texture progressed incredibly fast.
Vinniemc (from the official forums) has come up with a basic texture already, and placed the model in-game.

Here are some simple pictures I took quickly to show you all.



Kukulza: Where do you want the texture to head, how do you want it to look specifically?
As he's after a more specific direction to head with it.


I hop you all are liking what you see so far.


EDIT - LOL forgot the pictures
just have it compiled in the end as the finished product (called a nif? i never really got all those modeling terms) and then send it to me, and I'll have it sent to Hector to compile into the .ESM for TES4 Vvardenfell... good? Smile

as for direction...

[Image: th_chitinscimitar.jpg]

something like that, it needs to look chitin, and then the blade like layers of serrated and razor-sharp chitin slices compressed together and laminated, held together by resins and strong, but semi-slexible because of its length...
It's already set as a .nif that can be used in the game with no real trouble. Vinniemc has texture files that he is going to work with to get them looking great.

Edit 2007.04.20 06:02
Have started work on a Chitin Spear, Short Sword, and Dagger.
Currently working through them in Blender, spear is coming along very nicely.
Pictures soon.
:bounce: yeah! this is the enthusiam and initiative I like! I like it :goodjob:
Great :goodjob:

Will the swords have sheaths as well?
On the question of sheaths, I don't know how the process works for those, I could model them, but how exactly they are included in the model I'm not sure.


Spear First Shots

Spear Tip

Full View

Hope you guys like, working off of a profile view of the original spear, adding a similar style to my scimitar.
so far so good! :bananarock:
You sure that the polycount is ok? Otherwise looking good Smile
Was looking into that. It probably is a little high, but I can work on cutting it down.

Finished the model (I think), Looks fairly similar to that with some slight alterations to bring that curved sharpness (make sense?) that Chitin Weapons seem to have

EDIT: Spent 5 minutes in Blender, cut the model down from 2000+ to 1600 polys. My scimitar was a total of about 1550 so fairly good, simplified the tail of the spear a bit, will work on a new design there.
What's up with the black line along the blade's edges? Looks like cell shaded. [Image: 3dcell11.jpg]

Model looks too soft to my liking.
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