Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Chimeri Velothi in Black Marsh?
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Quote:Nu-Mantia Intercept
Just like the earliest Chimer who orphaned themselves from the Velothi Exodites, but remain Chimer today
Quote:The War with the Trees: Argonia and the Black Marsh
there were once tribes of men - Kothringi, Orma, Yespest, Horwalli - and tribes of mer - the Barsaebic Ayleids and the Cantemiric Velothi

cante means something along the lines of breaking off, meric is a reference that they are Mer, and Velothi means that they are settled Chimeri/Dunmeri who live as close as they can to the way of Veloth.... but wouldn't golden-skinned Dunmer (Chimer) come as a surprise to the outside world, for those who don't know of their existence? It's all very interesting