Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Random Silgrad Fact - an anthology of interest
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I bet most people have seen the new "Random Silgrad Fact" on the front page, which I figured is a fun way of giving snippets of random information that our visitors might find interesting. I'm hoping we could turn it into a kind of anthology, with the next guy or girl posting to this thread attaching version 2 of the text document with his own hints and tips. Anything that relates to Silgrad Tower and can be said in one or two sentences are okay. Then when the document has gone its tour of duty I'll upload the new version to the site, and your phrases can begin popping up.

The website pre-pastes " Did you know that:", so keep that in mind when you phrase your entries.

It's very easy to add an entry:
one entry per line
[your hint here] ::~:: [two characters here]

I'm about, hmm, 95% sure no one will do it. But for the record, you can. Tongue
Alright ... just to prove you wrong Tongue ... no just kidding. I really like the idea and added a few lines.

Don't be disappointed though: I left out the juicier and darker details about my personal life. :chaos:


Mm, yes, just saying a number like 95% does have a tendency to influence the odds :brew:

I really like the new lines, and have added the new script to the site. I did some minor editing for clarity by the way, I hope you don't mind. I'm unsure of the line that says we have 400 new weapons though. Won't people get the impression that the 400 weapons differ in textures and/or meshes?

I forgot to mention in the first post that HTML is 100% useable. One could even add a linked thumbnail if one wanted. If so it can't be wider than 100px though.