Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I've uploaded a collection of community Dwemer items to Oblivion-online, created by Subatomic Labs. They're very nice - I especially like the book mesh, which reminds me of... KLATU...VERATA...NICHSMSF :]

These are Morrowind NIF files btw, not 3DS.

Anyway... if they are to be used in Silgrad Tower: Oblivion, which isn't something I'm 100% sure of, they'd need some texture TLC. The maps are perfect, but they use Bethesda textures. If someone has a thing for Dwemer stuff and feel like taking it on, perhaps it could be worth investigating the popular retexture releases made by the community to see if there are suitable replacements.

I just thought I'd mention it as the meshes are so high-quality, and Dwemer is one of the styles we'd need to look at in the future (though it's not the top priority I think).
I found out all three previous games in the series has had Dwemer presence in them, so the chances are pretty good Oblivion will have them as well. That really lessens the need for the Dwemer stuff in the above post.
3rd post

the Dwemer built their settlements all over Tamriel.... however... they were mostly concentrated in the Morrowind area... particularily the Velothi mts. and Vvardenfell....

I don't kno whether there were a lot of them in Cyrodiil province.. but it is likely that they would be in the north-east and east reaches of the province....

perhaps there are some Dwemer ruins in Oblivion... perhaps because the Dwemer did find a way to travel in the "outer realms" so maybe they made refuges for travelers....
Oblivion can't be a good place for anyone but Daedra....