Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Screenshot in the CS
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Need your help. I used to have a little app that took a shot in the Morrowind CS (which I used for maps). But the app seems to have been lost when I rebuilt the machine. I would like to take some shots of the new Blacklight in the CS but Print Screen doesn't work so I would like to know what is the best app to accomplish it.
I use IrfanView. It serves as a fast image viewer and as a screenshot capturer. I haven't tried Capture A Screenshot before, I wouldn't be able to tell you which is better. Probably a personal preference choice (or just whichever you downloaded first).

Fraps can apparently capture screenshots as well.
I'll try the two out. Thanks!
i always just take a screen and paste it into an editing program (even pain will do). its not an app, but just sayin'
I use the Print screen button and paint. You may not forget it to save the screenie as an JPG and NOT a bmp. Why, the size of a BMP is too big.