Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [Open] ISC-011 Squires Home
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This home will house the squires who would most likely be traveling with the Knight

Not to be confused with other guards or servants who might be in the Knights Party

Because they are in Knight Training (Aspiring Knights) they are recognized and given a bit more consideration than the house servant or guards and theirfore receive their own quarters

A Squire was originally a young man who aspired to the rank of knighthood and who, as part of his development to that end, served an existing knight as his attendant or shield carrier.

The Quarters should be decored in a way that would display an upper middle class of noble, not extravegant

The quarters should have at minimum

4 sleeping rooms
1 living quarters
1 area for the squires to perform all manner of duty relating to the preperation of thier knights armor and or weapon (IE: repair items, storage)

anything above this is optional

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