Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [Completed] BF-006 Herbalist Shop
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This claim has been Completed by agram 6/01/07

A Shop of Home Remedies

A cure for everything, natures way Smile

This shop should be the naturalists answer to the potion man
lots of ingrediants and maybe some books on how to treat all manner of sickness and injury

This would be a great claim for someone interested in going all out
It would require several new books and lots of ingrediants typically not found in Vanilla MW, sauves and ointments as well

Please provide enough room within the building for the owner to live

Anything above this is optional

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Desc said it all, shop and a basment for the owner to live in. Will use furn_de_p. Will be finished within 5 days.

Granted :check:

Will you be making new books for this as desired?

I dont know yet, will try something, BUT if you want me to write a new book be advised that my english is not perfect.
I would like to see some new books, that would be preferred

Books about home remedies

I wouldn't worry too much about your english translation we have editors & reviewers Smile

give it a try- you might like it Smile and if not just let me know and I'll see what can be done with it, I'm kinda full with writing books at the moment (for other quests)

Hey Bob about that book i am trying but it looks like #$%^. I am going to work on it some more, but it just dont looks good. The whole book is maybe too much for my english, maybe i will just copy some recipies(if that wasnt done) like Aurane Frernis. Sorry.

And a little update on the shop: That is looking good, it has a bar full of ingredients and potions, was going to place a bookshelf with potions and apparatus. Also there wont be any high end stuff like master things and vampires dust.
Well give it your best try, its not a rush

One of the things for the 9 divines was I went to the Imperial Library and found books on the Divines and copied the text to a notepad and then just made a book by typing in what I had copied it works well, if you search for home remedies you may find things you could use and just substitute the ingrediants for something we have in MW

Yes that sounds good, i will try.
This is finished. The book is named home remedies, and i placed it on the bookshelf with some other books. The cell is named bf-006, i locked all chests, and the door to the owners room, north marker is just placed. If you want me to add something else, tell me. And it has been cleaned.
:goodjob: another good one

will merge

I may add a few more book later on if If get a chance to write them
nice job on your book thanks
