Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Chunk Size Error
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I am using windows 98

I opned the CS today and go this error message, which after checking with sevral different variables only occurs when I try to load Morrowind and another mod (any mod including the Official Expansions)

Does anyone know what this means and what the possible causes could be

Edit: A true sign that old age is setting in, after some thought I realized that by reloading the CS, I also had to reload TRI and BM, because the CS did not recognize the data files of the 2 expansions
Why this occured in the first place I do not know since all was working
well this morning, but stuff happens Confusedhrug:

And now it is again


I had a "chunk" error in the TES4 CS. At that point, I had just finished deleting and replacing a lot of dialogue.