Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Invisible Edges in 3DS max
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Ok, so i've been trying on the modelling hat, trying to do some dwemer stuff for dumac. But for some reason, anything i do with cylinders, and slicing/extruding them creates these weird invisible edges, that can be selected, and have a strange effect on extrusions.

See, after i sliced the edges of my cylinder, look what appears in screenshot 1.

Once i de-select, the section is deceptively normal, in #2.

But then, because i know where to click, *gasp* they're still there in #3

and finally, when i try to extrude, #4, and they manifest as weird lines, which later cause all sorts of strange problems.

So what's with those? Why do they appear, and is there a use for them, or a way to work around them.
All poly's (quads) are made up of 2 tris. The dotted line just shows which way the poly is split.

Though it looks like you don't have quads at all (4 sided). To me it looks like you have extra verticies on your edges which are creating more of the dotted (invisible) lines through the polys.

If that's the case, make sure you object is an editable poly, select vertex view/selection, and under edit verticies, select Target Weld then click a spare vertex that's in the middle of your edge that isn't being used, and then click another vertex, one that is being used. It'll clean up your mesh and hopefully get rid of those 'invisible' lines.