Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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General description

'Deepen Moor is a large bog in the center of our landmass, bordered by the Silgrad Tower region to the southwest, Deepen Meadows to the southeast, Ashunor Valley to the east, the Reich Parkeep region to the north and the Forgotten Forest to the west. Please consult the map for more detailed info.

A permanent mist covers the soggy ground, hiding pockets of water, crawling critters, traps and other threats. Because of the treacherous ground the bog is ardous to move around on, so it's become a popular haven for outlaws who've memorized safe passages.

The river Ashunor flows in an upside-down U-turn around the bog, and has formed a lake due north of Deepen Moor. Lake Ashunor is rather pleasant and popular among local fishermen. If you want to you can situate a small village on any side of the lake. It should be either Redoran or Imperial in architecture.'

Locations of intrest

Bog's edge tavern

At first sight, this tavern looks like an ordinary low class tavern. But once you gain the bartender's thrust, he will show you the entrance to the secret basement, where smugglers and thieves living in the swamps sell their wares and find people interested in helping them with smuggling their wares. You will be able to pick up several quests related to smuggling here. You will also be able to buy skooma, dwemer wares, sixth house wares, other illegal items here.

Nekhostif Ouadar

This is a small redoran fishing village by the Ashunor lake. The name Nekhostif Ouadar means 'near water' in dunmeri. The people here are lower-middle class, but not terribly poor like in Ebbedin. Everybody in the village is dunmer and rather happy with his life. Please pick up a claim in this village!

Of course, are going to be many more interesting locations in deepen moor, these are just the ones I'm 100% certain I'm going to add.