Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Dmc03 [claimed]
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Claim difficulty: easy
interior model: moldcave
Size: medium

description :
This cave is fully flooded, located somewhere in Ashunor lake. Not many enemies, just fish. There should be clams all over the cave.

The claims is not granted until Kingevil, TID or Sanpicture says it is.
Its been awhile since I've been here (busy summer), but I'm ready to get back to modding for ST. If you all don't hate me Tongue, can I have this claim? And could you point me towards the files I need to mod.

Edit 2007.09.27 03:48:
C'mon, please? I don't want to die.

Quote:Claim something in deepen moor! Or die.

Edit 2007.09.29 03:53:
I'm sorry, i've been away for the last week, but not the same reason. I just decided to buy civilization chronicles and now I can't stop playing it.

Granted :check:
It's not a problem, I just can get impatient very quickly.

Edit 2007.10.04 00:17:
When you say completely flooded, do you really mean completely flooded, or should there be a few pockets of air that you can get to? And if the second, should the entrance be flooded?
completely flooded. It's at the bottem of the lake. There will, however be some breathing botions and amulets in the ouadir village, so don't be afraid that you make the cave too big for anyone to explore.
I know its been awhile, but I am still working on this, I just got distracted by the orange box.