Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Hello everyone!

I go by Wasabi, and I've been modding Morrowind for about 3 yrs, and Oblivion 1 yr. Malgremor told me Silgrad Tower was remaking Morrowind in Oblivion! I hope to help out with this project in any way I can, from retextures of items, to cells and claims.

I would make some meshes for ST, but I don't know how to get my models into Oblivion using blender... the extraction scripts do not support OB's Collision maps...

Hope to see you guys/gals around the forums.

Hey Wasabi, welcome to Silgrad Tower.
Welcome to Silgrad Tower Wasabi! Smile

Introduction to ST.
Welcome to Silgrad Tower, Wasabi! :cheers:
welcome to ST!

Have a fishystick!

[Image: pic_prod_teaser.jpg]
Welcome aboard Wasabi!

I think the area we need the most help with is modding, to make the next version of our mod even more entertaining to players.
[indent][/indent]- If you prefer modding domestic locations we have both Redoran and Hlaalu architecture, and plenty of claims in Soluthis (Redoran) and Silgrad Tower (Hlaalu).
[indent][/indent]- If you enjoy making adventure-oriented locations we have a Velothi interior tileset for tombs, Barabus tileset for Imperial crypts, and the brand new moldcave tileset for caves and mines. If that appeals to you, feel free to mod a location as you like it and then we can hook it up on our landmass after it's finished.

Either way I hope you'll have a great time modding with us! Smile
I thank ye for the welcomes, I can now see where Fliggerty's picked up the fishy sticks hehe. Razorwing, I read your article on the front page, you mention Oblivion not supporting flying creatures... hehehe.

Why don't you create a creature that hovers like a Gloom Wraith, or Sanctified Dead, or Lich, etc etc etc.

I don't recall silt striders and netches getting that high off the ground.

Bravo on your cg work Razorwing, I heard there was a "workaround for blender to get your models into the game... is this true?

The only way I see it happening is exporting the mesh in 3ds format then importing it into max... useless to me due to the cost of max :/

I would attach a mod I made to audition for modding status but the limit is 500 kb... I need 7 mb... hmm.