Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: What's with all the new guests?
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Just wondering if there's a tech glitch with the BBS or if something has attracted dozens of guests to ST. Obviously super-cool if many more people are interested in the mod now. Is there a new thread on BSF?

Just curious,
That's a good question... there's like 95 guests on right now. It's crazy. They're all in different forums, so it isn't like one thread's counting 100 people in some crazy messed up glitch. Of course i haven't seen two of them on the same thread, so you have to start wondering.

If it's not a glitch it's great though, sorry to any guests reading this for the incredulity, we usually have about 20 combined users/guests on the forums.

Didn't Vvardenfell just make a BSF thread? or have they not made it yet?
I dont know, about 60 of them are in the Unknown, and it's been like this for few days.
*psst Maybe we have been hacked? *
Some guy on BSF asked to port Morrowind to Oblivion, so we gave him the link to here Wink
But that happens every week or so... and we don't usually get 100 guests.
Let's just hope they're not spambots...
I noticed this too, there's like, 131 guests on right now. If you look at the 'Who is where online' page, only a small amount seem to be browsing pages. Confusedhrug:
Quote:Originally posted by DIE 75
Let's just hope they're not spambots...

Yeah ok... let's hope they're not... :eek:

The Akavir forums had more guests then normal yesterday, we had 6 guests and three members at the same time, i like those numbers =)
Most of the time, when we have guests, it's something like 2 or 3 at most.
Our forums are very much alive right now, even Orodromis and Aetherius are back! :dance:
:bananarock: :banana:

EDIT: " Record: 198 users on 25.06.2007 12:44. " :pop: :confused:
The record was like, 60 a few weeks back, if I remember rightly.
naw, the record was like 120 or something back in March. This is crazy, I've been noticing all these guests. If they're spambots, why haven't they done anything yet?

I'd say we could fix it by making it so you need to register to see the forums, but that was also an issue we fixed not to long ago to slim up the numbers...

Ok get this, as it is while I post this, 110 guests and 12 members. That means for every member there are almost 10 guests...:eek:
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