Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: ST-0020C, Harwood Castle, Concept
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This is another procrastination attempt by me, but again something which we need to discuss and decide and do or do not

Elena Harwood has a home in Steadhelm, Originally she was cast as a very mysterious Alchemist (thats the way I read it to be) Entering her home was easy, but when you left (through the door) you were taken to Castle Harwood which was on an Island somewhere

The plans for the Castle and the Island was stopped and the home became just a regular home with no Elena Harwood to be found. (She must be at her Castle)


Would we like to do this?

If so

1) Do we want to make the Island or just find a spot on the landmass to put this castle, it would need to be somewhere remote and hidden well.

2) The Charactor Elena Harwood, decide on Race, Level, Abilities, and dispostions (Evil, Good or Indifferent)

3) Castle, Big or Small, Style of Archetecture

4) Reason for looking for her (Quest) who gives it and why

5) Beasties and such, do we need them and if so, what

Looking forward to the suggestions

Why not, we need quests, this could be one.
1) new island or maybe a castle inside a big cave with no exterior, so it is only a interior
2) imperial(sound like a imperial), 30, we will make something, good
3) biger, stronghold OR retextured imperial fort so it looks like a ruin
4) see 5) her husband?, she is missing, nowhere to be found, help him...
5) maybe this castle was overrun by daedra, and she is a prisoner in her own home, save her, get a reward, could be a quest
Quote:Originally posted by agram
Why not, we need quests, this could be one.
1) new island or maybe a castle inside a big cave with no exterior, so it is only a interior
2) imperial(sound like a imperial), 30, we will make something, good
3) biger, stronghold OR retextured imperial fort so it looks like a ruin
4) see 5) her husband?, she is missing, nowhere to be found, help him...
5) maybe this castle was overrun by daedra, and she is a prisoner in her own home, save her, get a reward, could be a quest

So thiers 2 votes yes Smile

I like the idea of the castle within the cave

Yes, her name implies Man not Mer, but the Breton have names like this as well, plus thier inclined to magic, Level is good @30 The others we will need to discuss further, referance to your note 4

Stronghold ! Imperial is way to used a nice stronghold type would be nice to see as a castle, maybe with some imperial towers arranged properly would add a nice touch

As stated above, if we use the worried husband as the quest giver possibly her disposition though good could also be a bit indifferent
toward him...which leads to #5

Becoming a prisoner in her own home is good I think we can be creative here as to why she left her hubby and decided to stay in the castle, and maybe over time she may have decided to return (the link between the Castle and her home in Steadhelm is broken) so she could not return
She discovered that her castle was being taken over (by something or someone)

For what purpose do they want this place ?

She is a mysterious alchemist, maybe she has discovered something and this person or beings want what she has discoverd



Very Good

Bretons yes, i forgot about them, she could be a Breton.

I agree with a Stronghold, and maybe you could retexture those towers using stronghold textures.

Yes i like the husband story, it sounds totaly plausible.

And that are no ramblings, you have something there. She found something, but what?
Sandor says:

I attached another screenshot.

Looking at the screenshots it will be a castle with one large tower and a main building. I think 3 stories and a basement would be sufficient.

Which tileset should I use?
How many NPC's?

For the furniture.
Should I use com(_r) types?
Bob says:

3 stories is fine, with the tower maybe 5 stories and definitely a basement

We had discussed using "in_stronghold" or "strongruin" and "in_strong" tilesets for the interior. This would probably work well for all 3 above ground levels and the basement, but the individual rooms (bedrooms, kitchen, etc etc. )
can be "in_c_rich" and the furniture would be "common_r"

Since we intend on having this Castle hidden within a cave system, we might also consider a small sewer system below or extended from the basement which would branch off into several small caves

NPC's we need to discuss, our original thought here was she returned to her Castle to escape her Husband and was trapped their by something and we haven't completely decided yet what that something is, but we know it will involve Undead and Daedra and summoning and potions Smile

So if you'd like this I will mark it as claimed :yes:


Quote:Originally posted by bob196045
We had discussed using "in_stronghold" or "strongruin" and "in_strong" tilesets for the interior. This would probably work well for all 3 above ground levels and the basement, but the individual rooms (bedrooms, kitchen, etc etc. )
can be "in_c_rich" and the furniture would be "common_r"
Noted. :check:

Quote:Originally posted by bob196045
..might also consider a small sewer system below or extended from the basement which would branch off into several small caves
That's fine.

For the NPC's there's enough time to decide how to continue.

I'll start with the lay-out. Smile
Super !

will you be doing both exterior and interior?

It will be fun modding this claim. Smile

Quote:Originally posted by bob196045
Super !

will you be doing both exterior and interior?

I'll first finish the interior and when time permits (because of my other responsibilities) I am more than willing to complete the exterior building.
Yes, it should be fun

Hope you enjoy it Smile

Ok so interior for now and other stuff later, that will be just fine

All yours

I attached the concept lay-out (no detailing).
To do: The large tower.

I didn't use the "in_c_rich" (yet) because I have enough smaller rooms.

The ground floor.

Reception and Dining hall.
Connection to the basement, the first floor, the tower and the exterior.

First floor.

Kitchen and servants quarters.

Second floor.

Private quarters with amongst others a small dining room and a library.
It has also an exit to the roof.

Are the sewers large enough?

For the tower.

Which tileset should I use?
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