Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: MW Wood Elf Voice?
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I used a generator I found for this, I think it sounds pretty decent. Here's a sample I made (rar):


It is actually a demo from a artificial voiced phone company I stole using Audacity to record directly (Big Grin), so you can record and export as .wav for the CS, and tweak it too.

Please let me know what you think. I can tweak and edit it later. Smile
It's very computerized sounding
:| Yeah, oh well never mind.
That actually sounds more like a Dark Elf, not a wood elf
I hate to disagree.
I thought the voice sounded not unlike Larry King. Very deep and masculine, and craquelated from decades of smoking. To me it sounded as far from a wood elf voice as you could get, but at the same time I didn't think it sounded bad in itself either. Certainly better than voiceless dialogue I think.
:lmao: Am I the only one that thought it sounded like them.

I've recorded others with it too, when they're edited they don't actually sound like they're generated much at all IMO, and if they sound bad, just rearrange the words a bit until it sounds alright. Confusedhrug: I guess if they were used they'd be temporary until some proper voiced stuff came along, because like you say, it's better to have some form of voice in dialogue rather than voiceless. That's what I think anyway. And I hate it when you cannot read the text dialogue because of going by so fast.
Wood Elves just usually sound like they're always inhaling helium, like the stereotypical midget Christmas elves. Dark Elves sound like they've been smoking for years, with their deep, gruff voices. And High Elves, well they're just Brits.
How's about this Dunmer voice I made the other day (also generated).